Club news
Register to play in 2020/21 If you wish to play for the club in the next pennant season it is imperative you register your name on the lists found at the club. Our selection committees are working on our teams for next season. They teams must be registered by the end of the month If you cannot get to the club please email me to register your intentions for 2020/21 If you are not registered we will believe you do not intend to play with the club. We do not expect registered players to give up their place in a team to someone who failed to fill out a form. Club Membership Fees If you wish to play pennant for the club you must pay your club membership fee of $170 by the end of August. You will not be considered for practice games or pennant if the registration fee is not paid. Note if you are having trouble paying the registration fee please contact John Forsythe, so we can work out something.
Opening and Closing We only open the club on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays during winter. Opening time is 9.00am and closing time is 6.00pm.
July 2020 Open 10.am-6pm Days open: All week gate only Week Sun 28/06/ 2020 to Sat 04/07/2020 Tom De Pradines 0411153593 Week Sun 05/07/2020 to Sat 11/07/2020 Frank Male 0409932842 Week Sun 12/07/2020 to Sat 18/07/2020 Gerald Dudink 0411153593 Week Sun 19/07/2020 to Sat 25/07/2020 Dennis Tomlin 0444532101 Week Sun 26/07/2020 to Sat 1/08/2020 Allen Skurrie 59967327
August 2020 Open 10.am-6pm Days open: All week gate only Week Sun 02/08/ 2020 to Sat 09/08/2020 Tom De Pradines 0411153593 Week Sun 09/08/2020 to Sat 15/08/2020 Frank Male 0409932842 Week Sun 16/08/2020 to Sat 22/08/2020 Gerald Dudink 0411153593 Week Sun 23/08/2020 to Sat 29/08/2020 Dennis Tomlin 0444532101 Week Sun 30/08/2020 to Sat 5/09/2020 Allen Skurrie 59967327
We still require extra help so if you can give one week of your time every three months please let me know
List of new players from the end of last season
I believe Allen S has other names
We welcome all these new players and we hope you enjoy playing for Cranbourne Bowls Club
Newsletter Cranbourne Bowls Clubadmin2020-07-05T10:36:26+00:00